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Construction Committee 030509
Library Construction Committee
March 5, 2009 at 7 p.m.
Town Hall

Present from the LCC: Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Panny Gerken, Joel Lindsay, John Rodenhiser, Mickie Simpson, Bill Strapko. Absent: Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Rogers.

Present from DPI: Bob White

Present from LL+B: R. Drayton Fair, Aimee Lombardo

Also present: Ann S. Hurd (capital campaign), Burt Shnitzler (Advisory Committee)

A quorum being present, Pam called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written (motion: Mickie; second: Bill; unanimous in favor).

Invoices were presented as follows:
  • DPI #2896-090206, $9,000.00
  • LL+B #18-0722, $15,537.06
  • DPI (Briggs) #2896-090228, $686.00
  • DPI (Foley Buhl) #2896-090229, $2,700.00
  • M. O’Connor, Req. #4, $317,559.86
  • Murphy Insurance #204139, $4,819.00
  • Verizon, 2/7/09, $166.07
On a motion from Bill (second: Kelly; unanimous in favor) the invoices were
approved for payment.

Ann Hurd reported on the capital campaign’s progress.  She noted that the best case scenario is that the campaign has brought in $1,049,469.67.  This figure includes a gross of every pledge, the gift in kind from Amaranth Networks, and the Assabet Watershed grant.  The campaign expenses amount to $15,060, so the total is $1,034,409.67.  Not counting Amaranth and Assabet, the campaign counts $59,007 in pledges receivable (of which Ann expects about $40K within the next few weeks), and $5,100 probably won’t come in.  The account in cash is about $876K.  The capital campaign is still responsible for rent to Dr. Freidus at $2200/month, so that amount will have to be reserved from the sum transferred to the Town on 3/31/09.

Bob White said that the project expects a letter of commitment from Assabet by next week.  The letter will go to bond counsel for review.  Ann noted that Assabet normally doesn’t pay upfront, but bases payments on performance.

Ann continued with the worst case scenario: that the project budget would have to be cut by $73,000.

Bob shared a budget update dated 3/5/09 (attached in hard copy).  Panny is working on correcting our project’s overpayment on the public water supply.  After discussion, the committee voted to transfer per budget review items 6,7, and 9 ($32,000) to contingency (motion: Pam; second: Joel; unanimous in favor).

Bob distributed a monthly report and gave a construction update, saying that steel deliveries start next week.  Drayton added that there have been some coordination issues, with the biggest being placement of air ducts in the floor-to-floor spaces.  The ceilings might have to be lowered slightly to accommodate.  Joel asked about the status of the electrical poles on the lot.  Bob is working on this.
Bob continued, noting that the project is about 4 weeks behind schedule.  He has told O’Connor that they need to do a recovery schedule as soon as steel is received, and that they must be very aggressive and efficient in order to complete the job on time.  In response to a question from Kelly, Bob said that the date of the library’s move to the new building is to be determined this summer.  Bob noted that the general contractor has surveyed the rear setback to insure that the boundary is being observed.  Change order #3 will come next month.

Drayton reported on a recent meeting of the interiors subcommittee.  That group met with Lianne Ames to further refine colors and patterns, and to view photos of furniture.  The teen advisors joined us again to talk about their space.  Bob and Kelly met prior and cut $100K from the FF&E budget.  Lianne will order samples to be delivered to the temporary library.  Lianne also suggested adding three additional floor outlets.  Pam recommends buying quality furnishings rather than quantity.

Pam noted the receipt of a letter from Ann Hurd and John Rodenhiser (attached in hard copy).  Drayton recapped the lighting plan that the committee approved last July.  He also showed a site plan with location of lights on poles and foot-candles of light, noting that there are no more than .3 foot-candles at any point on the boundary line.  Ann requested that this information be shared with all abutters as a courtesy, and Panny replied that it will be mailed or emailed to them.  Drayton noted that every light is programmable.

In new business, Bob announced that Roland had inquired about the work at the Public Safety site in relation to the neighbors’ well.  Bob assured the committee that there are no problems in this regard.

Next meetings are 3/26 at 6 p.m. (brief, to approve the budget just before bonding) and 4/2 at 7 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.